
Remeber those human leashes the cruel parents would use to tame their children through a visit to Ikea? I would probably have to resort to one, in order to contain myself in Via del Corso's newest Zara store. This thing is HUGE. Overwhelming. Brilliant.
The Spain based company recently opened an architectural treat of a retail space in the Palazzo Bocconi, situated smack in the middle of Rome's most central intersection. Like the city, the parmesan, and the Merlot, the building is finely aged and full of endless Italian heritage, extending an appreciation to the city's world renowned fashion scene. And, just as Zara's merchandise is constantly keeping up with trends, so it the store's over all sustainability. The FIVE floors of affordable excellence is said to be one of the company's most cutting edge, and eco-friendly yet. A real global benchmark in eco-efficiency. How impressive! Anyone else checking for flight deals? photcreds: fashionising